FutureSkills Prime: A partnership between MeitY and NASSCOM


what you get

Technology partners have content enabled for the 10 Emerging technologies of AI, BDA, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, IoT, RPA, Blockchain, 3D Modeling & Printing, AR VR, Mobile Web Development and Marketing.


Professional skills partners have content enabled for the 10 professional skills of Collaboration & Teamwork, Continuous Learning, Effective communication, Project Management, Product Management, Creative Problem Solving & Critical Thinking, Innovation & Design Thinking, Influencing & Negotiation, Program Management, Digital Leadership and/ or Job Interview Prep

Partner with us

Why partner with us?

Join the FutureSkills Prime accredited network of training partners and open vistas of new possibilities. Strengthen your position as a thought leader in your industry while actively contributing to make India the global digital hub.

What’s in it for you?

brand positioning
Brand Positioning

Gain visibility among central and state education boards, state and private universities, and academia circles. Join the ecosystem and get recognized as being among the pioneers of the digital upskilling revolution.

Portfolio Differentiation

Align your courses as per SSC Competency Standards and Industry recommended Foundation curriculum and earn a Course Alignment Certificate

one marketplace
One Marketplace

Gain access to a growing and dynamic market of learners spanning across the IT & Non-IT industries. Increase your reach with the FutureSkills Prime network.


Joint participation certification, co-branded by NASSCOM FutureSkills Prime to incentivize learners. Extend government incentives to those who complete certification and assessment aligned to the SSC NASSCOM curriculum at FutureSkills Prime.

GoI Incentive Programme

Be a part of first of its kind Government of India Incentive programme for digital Upskilling exclusively on FutureSkills Prime.


Ease of integration with the multiple integration option. Tailor your course offering with our robust pricing engine. Access a powerful and flexible eCommerce platform by joining the FutureSkills Prime ecosystem.

How to partner with us?

Collaborate with FutureSkills Prime and contribute to the upskilling ecosystem. You can


Align Courses to Industry recommended and Government approved competency standards
Map courses to SSC NASSCOM validated Foundation & National Occupation Standards


Share Resources
Extend your training infrastructure and learners for blended learning

How does the partnership benefit you?

When you agree to partner with FutureSkills Prime and contribute to the national upskilling initiative, you also avail exciting benefits for your organization.

Positioning and visibility on collaborating with FutureSkills Prime

Co-branding permissions & visibility in all stakeholder communications

Participate in the industry advocacy program conducted to the NASSCOM network

Offer courses along with participation in the industry advocacy program through webinars and masterclasses conducted to the NASSCOM network

Extend reach to new markets within India

Extend your reach to unsaturated markets across India. Tap into State missions, State and Private Universities and NASSCOM member firms

Training & Content Partners

Participate in the reskilling initiative

Partner with us and participate in the reskilling revolution

Contact Us