General Terms and Conditions for FutureSkills PRIME

GoI Incentive for Courses (Foundation, Bridge and Deep Skilling), Related Assessments, and Competency Diagnostic
Date: 21st January 2023
Version: 3.0
1. Introduction

FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) is a joint initiative of Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) and National Association of Software and Services Companies (nasscom) focused on bringing about a digital skilling revolution in the country.

Apart from other offering on the FutureSkills PRIME marketplace/ platform, one of the key benefits offered by the Government of India (GoI) through the FutureSkills PRIME(FSP) platform/FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) Marketplace is the GOI Incentive. As part of this, an eligible and successfully registered learner(beneficiary) can avail the following benefits:

  1. GOI Incentive for Competency Diagnostic: Successfully registered and eligible learners can potentially avail only 01 (One) government funded ‘Competency Diagnostic’.
  2. GOI Incentive for Assessment fee reimbursement: Successfully registered and eligible learners can avail reimbursement of assessment cost against each course in the following 04 categories, subject to the available incentive limit for each of the categories (refer to point “c” below):
    1. NSQF, NOS aligned ‘DeepSkilling’ Free Pathway courses.
    2. NSQF, NOS aligned ‘DeepSkilling’ Subscription based courses.
    3. NSQF aligned ‘Foundation’ courses.
    4. ‘Bridge courses’ offered by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)/ (National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology) NIELIT on FSP Platform/FSP Marketplace.

    Note: Assessment reimbursement will be processed along with the course fee incentive disbursement, if a learner is not eligible for course fee incentive then the assessment reimbursement will not be disbursed.

  3. GOI Incentive for Course fee reimbursement: The maximum incentive a Subscriber can avail against an incentive eligible course(s) after successful certification(s) is up to a maximum of INR 12,000/- only, subject to the following sub-limits under each category:
    1. NSQF aligned DeepSkilling Paid: The maximum ceiling of incentive per course under this category would be limited to a maximum of 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber subject to an overall cap of INR 8000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes).
    2. NSQF aligned Foundation: The maximum ceiling of incentive per course would be limited to a maximum of 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber, subject to an overall cap of INR 3000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes).
    3. Bridge Courses: These courses are offered only by NIELIT/CDAC. The maximum ceiling of incentive per course would be limited to a maximum of 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber, subject to an overall cap of INR 3000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes) Page 2 of 13
    4. NSQF aligned DeepSkilling Free Course: An incentive of INR 1,000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes), which would be available for joining any subsequent subscription-based course which is equal to or more than INR 1,000/- (including applicable taxes) and only if the Subscriber has been successfully Certified in the previous DeepSkilling Free Course.
2.Following points are to be noted with respect to the scheme/ FS PRIME Program
  1. The scheme is being administered by the MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) via their nominated agencies (Project Management Unit C-DAC Noida for Administration and Finance & Hyderabad for Technical requirements pertaining to FutureSkills PRIME Platform).
  2. To promote a novel skilling ecosystem in the country, the programme/scheme would incentivize the cost of the eligible course(s) concerned, providing authentic and accredited certifications that are acceptable in the industry.
  3. Only Deepskilling free, Deepskilling paid, Foundation paid and Bridge courses are eligible for GoI incentives.
  4. The Incentives shall be made available only to ‘Successful Subscribers’ i.e., those Subscribers who have completed the course and have passed and been certified in the ensuing SSC nasscom/nasscom assessment w.r.t. the course concerned. Note: Subscribers, please note that the course must be completed on or before the assessment date, if assessment is completed before completion of the corresponding course then both course & assessment will not be eligible for GOI Incentives.
  5. Those Subscribers/learners who have already enrolled and completed the course and subsequently appeared for SSC nasscom Assessment and get certified in any of the 04 categories of courses namely (i) NSQF, NOS aligned ‘DeepSkilling’ Free course/pathway, (ii) NSQF, NOS aligned DeepSkilling Subscription based course (iii) NSQF aligned ‘Foundation’ and (iv) ‘Bridge’ courses. Successful Subscribers post authentication and verification will be awarded (via DBT) the incentive amount as eligible and the reimbursement of INR 600/- for the cost of SSC nasscom assessment. The Subscriber/learner must avail this incentive in accordance with the terms contained herein.
  6. The incentive amount will be made available to the Subscriber/ learner /beneficiary to the FutureSkills PRIME incentive scheme on a ‘first come- first serve’ basis till the scheme is available. If the Subscriber does not clear the SSC nasscom assessment within the stipulated time-period as applicable from time to time, then the Subscriber would not be eligible and cannot claim the stipulated incentive amount.
  7. This FSP incentive model takes into account, that to motivate aspirants, a Learner Ledger would be assigned to each Subscriber/beneficiary (eligible & successfully registered learner-) on the FutureSkills PRIME portal/platform. A Subscriber can opt for more than one course in different categories; however, the Subscriber’s/ beneficiary’s maximum incentive amount would be capped at Rs. 12,000/- only, subject to the stipulation mentioned in the following categories:
    Category of Courses Course Cost Incentive Assessment Reimbursement Conditions

    DeepSkilling – Paid Pathway

    Incentive threshold: Post successful course completion and certification the ceiling w.r.t. the

    Reimbursement Threshold:

    The learner is eligible to avail a

    1. Subscriber/beneficiary would need to successfully complete the course and assessment.


    incentive per Deep Skilling course would be limited to 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber/beneficiary subject to a maximum

    of INR 8000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes).

    reimbursement of INR 600 for every successful certification up to the threshold of the Course (i.e. INR 8,000).

    2. Learners must apply for course incentive and Assessment reimbursement together.

    3. The Learner cannot apply and avail GOI incentives more than once for the same course and related assessment.

    DeepSkilling – Free Pathway

    Incentive threshold: Post successful course completion and certification the ceiling w.r.t. the incentive is INR. 1,000/-.

    Provided the Subscriber

    /beneficiary enrolls for the next paid course for cost greater or equal to INR 1,000/-(including applicable taxes).

    Reimbursement Threshold:

    The learner is eligible to avail a reimbursement of INR 600, provided the Subscriber

    /beneficiary enrolls for the next paid course for cost greater or equal to INR 1,000/- (including applicable taxes)..

    1. Subscriber /beneficiary will be given a window of 180 days from the date of certification (DeepSkilling Free Course) to enroll for a paid course.

    2. The course fee for the next course should be greater than or equal to INR 1,000 (including applicable taxes).

    3. In case the Subscriber

    /beneficiary is not able to enroll for the next course within 180 days (not counting beyond project end date) from the date of certification of the DeepSkilling Free Course then INR 1,000/-

    will be withdrawn from the Subscriber’s/

    beneficiary’s Learner Ledger and the Subscriber will not be eligible to claim the same for the current course and assessment.

    4. The Learner can only apply & avail GOI incentive once for this


    Bridge Courses

    Incentive threshold: Post successful course completion and certification,

    the ceiling w.r.t. the incentive per course would

    Reimbursement Threshold:

    The learner is eligible

    to avail a reimbursement of INR

    1. Subscriber/beneficiary would need to successfully complete the course and assessment.


    be limited to 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber/beneficiary subject to a maximum

    of INR 3,000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes).

    600 for every successful certification up to the threshold of the Bridge Courses (i.e. INR 3,000).

    2. Learners must apply for course incentive and Assessment reimbursement together.

    3. The Learner cannot apply & avail GOI incentives more than once for the same course and related


    Foundation Courses

    Incentive threshold: the ceiling w.r.t. the incentive per course would be limited to 50% of the course fee paid by the Subscriber/beneficiary subject to a maximum

    of INR 3,000/- (inclusive of all applicable taxes).

    Reimbursement Threshold:

    The learner is eligible to avail a reimbursement of INR 600 for every successful certification up to the threshold of the Foundation Course (i.e. INR 3,000).

    1. Subscriber/beneficiary would need to successfully complete the course and assessment.

    2. Learners must apply for course incentive and Assessment reimbursement together.

    3. The Learner cannot apply & avail GOI incentives more than once for the same course and related


  8. It is the responsibility of the Subscriber/beneficiary to provide the correct details, to ensure consistency and the validity of the information provided from the time of registration till certification w.r.t. the course concerned.
  9. If at any stage, during incentive and assessment cost reimbursement process, it is found that, candidate/beneficiary has concealed or misrepresented any desired/required information, appropriate action will be initiated against him/her/them as per the directions of MeitY, Government of India.
  10. A mail will be sent to the Subscriber’s /beneficiary’s registered email ID/SMS after the certification w.r.t. the course concerned. The Subscriber /beneficiary are requested apply for the issuance of the incentive through the link available in the mail, at the earliest.
  11. The Subscriber /beneficiary should check the registered email ID/SMS regularly for updates regarding all the related information w.r.t. the incentive(s) concerned.
  12. To avail the incentive after certification, Subscriber /beneficiary must provide information and/or document soft-copy/scan (any one of the following) to establish one’s own unique identity
    1. Aadhar Based validation

    2. Voter ID Card/PAN Card/Passport/Driving License/ any other document specified by the State Government concerned.
  13. The Subscriber / beneficiary must certify the correctness of the subscriber’s bank details including the bank name, Subscriber / beneficiary name (as provided in one’s own bank account), Account Number and IFSC Code. Subscriber should also upload one of the following documents: soft- copy of Passbook/Cancelled Cheque /Bank statement.
  14. The estimated time period for transferring the incentives and assessment cost reimbursement shall be 30 days from the date of application on FutureSkills PRIME Incentive Module by the Subscriber/beneficiary. The abovementioned duration may subsequently increase in the event the information/detail/document provided by the Subscriber/beneficiary is found to be incorrect
  15. Additionally, for the DeepSkilling Free course/pathway – the 30 days count for executing the incentive into the Subscriber’s /beneficiary’s account will be considered only from the day on which the Subscriber /beneficiary would enroll (i.e., purchase) the next eligible FSP paid course and applies for the incentive.
  16. For any grievance issues/queries, learner/beneficiary may write a mail to The learner/beneficiary will receive the response at the earliest on a best effort basis.
  17. At no point shall FSP Program/scheme incentives be interpreted/construed as an entitlement or right of the Subscriber /beneficiary concerned. They are only probable benefits, that can be provided to eligible Subscribers who have successfully completed FSP course(s) w.r.t. the category concerned, subject to the annual financial limits and caps basis the availability of the allocated annual fund and FSP scheme duration. Incentives are made available by the Govt. of India (GoI) under the FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) Programme. GoI reserves the rights to withdraw/discontinue the incentives scheme at any stage of this programme
    1. The incentive scheme w.r.t. FSP Programme will be launched in a staggered manner and the Subscriber /beneficiary will be able to access the requisite incentive concerned when launched.
    2. Subject to the rules set by the GoI,regular notifications of such updates will be conveyed via the FSP platform to the Subscriber /beneficiary (a successfully registered learner eligible for the incentive).
  18. Purchase of any FSP course(s) basis the categories Foundation, DeepSkilling (Free/Paid) and Bridge post the announced end date of the FSP Programme i.e., FSP scheme duration, will not be eligible for any incentive.
  19. FSP Platform course purchase and the related incentive access will be allowed only through the web- based access.
  20. In case of a situation wherein the Subscriber, during the process of application for the eligible incentive amount (up to 50% of the course value or category limit) is informed that the said incentive amount due, is greater than the amount of benefits available, (as available on FSP Platform) the Subscriber would not be able to apply for GOI Incentive for the said course. Only when the in-progress applications are processed, will the Subscriber be able to apply for the incentive for the said course. Eligible Subscribers will have to apply for each GOI incentive separately. Multiple applications cannot be clubbed.
  21. At a given point of time, Subscriber may apply for the incentive for a single course under one course category. In case the Subscriber completes and is successfully certified for another course in the same course category, Subscriber will be allowed to apply for the incentive only after processing of the previous GOI incentive application in the same course category.
  22. The subscriber/learner/beneficiary would be provided with 04 chances (02 chances for document upload & 02 chances for PFMS related error) to rectify the rejection reason. The candidate/beneficiary will be intimated through mail/SMS for any rejection and they have to upload the correct document immediately by logging on to FutureSkills PRIME Incentive module. In case candidate/beneficiary is not responding to the mails after multiple reminders, it will be assumed, candidate/beneficiary is not willing to avail the incentives and assessment cost reimbursement. Therefore, it is advised that the candidate/beneficiary should check their registered mail regularly to keep themselves updated regarding all the related information about the incentives and assessment cost reimbursement.
  23. Unique ID of the Subscriber /beneficiary must be created on FS PRIME (FSP) portal/platform and subsequently the Subscriber /beneficiary will be uniquely identified in the extended FutureSkills PRIME incentive module to ensure that the assessment or the course related reimbursement is completed for the correct Subscriber /beneficiary.
  24. The eligibility of a course for GOI incentive application, including incentive eligible free Deepskilling course, will be determined as on the date of purchase/enrollment.
3. Definitions

FSP scheme is funded by MeitY vis-à-vis nasscom /SSC nasscom .

  1. “Assessment Agency” – agency (s) which have been empanelled by SSC nasscom to execute assessments on behalf of nasscom /SSC nasscom 
  2. “Badges” – A graphic representation that symbolizes that the Subscriber/ learner has successfully completed a particular pathway
  3. “Subscriber (s)/Beneficiary(s)/Eligible Learner(s)/Candidate(s)” – Any individual, who is an Indian Citizen, and is 18 years or above at the time of application, who has successfully completed the registration process and has been determined to be eligible for FSP incentives. Subscriber /Beneficiary categories are defined as follows:
    1. IT employees in IT firms and non-IT firms.
    2. Non-IT employees aspiring to use new and emerging technologies in their respective domains.
    3. Employees whose skills for a particular job have become outdated and may no longer be employed.
    4. Central Govt. & State Govt. Employees including employees of PSUs & Autonomous bodies (Govt. Employees).
    5. Fresh Recruits (who have been offered employment but are yet to take up a job, as well as are undergoing/are selected for an internship program or an Apprenticeship role in IT/ ITeS)
  4. “Buyer” – Subscribers learners who have registered for a free course or made a purchase (paid) on or through FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) marketplace/platform whether it be for a course, assessment at the end of course completion, competency diagnostic, or any other offerings.
  5. “Certificates” – A document provided to the Subscriber who has on completion of an FSP course successfully cleared the requisite assessment [self-funded/paid or govt. funded]
  6. “Competency Diagnostic/CD” – Initial evaluation of a Subscriber’s skill(s) by means of contextual information regarding the current profile of the Subscriber, awareness of emerging technology, proficiency & hands-on experience levels of technology & tools, leading to recommendations for suitable job roles/Qualification Pack defined by nasscom, through its IT-ITES Sector Skill Council nasscom for selected technologies.
  7. “Content Partner/Seller” – Partner i.e. the alliance/ecosystem partners engaged for the FSP Program who shall, inter alia, create/provide media content, including virtual instructor led programmes, for the FSP Program, create virtual laboratories and determine the career lack in the Subscribers.
  8. “Contract” – Agreement between buyer and seller upon the purchase of an offering on FutureSkills PRIME(FSP) marketplace/platform
  9. “Courseware/Content” – Include without limitation all course materials, e-Learning, labs, simulations, toolkits, video training, educational documents, training reference materials, textbooks, certification exams, instructor packages; as well as training courses, instructor service, and train-the-trainer services provided by the Content Partner for use in connection with the Program for the FutureSkills PRIME marketplace. Courseware will also include virtual instructor-led training programmes, assessment, and diagnostics individually or a combination of any of the foregoing.
  10. “DBT” – MeitY, GoI. incentive which will be a “Direct Benefit Transfer” to an eligible beneficiary w.r.t. FSP scheme.
  11. “FutureSkills PRIME Incentive Module”/ “IM” – FutureSkills PRIME Incentive Module which is a bridge between FSP and the DBT process at PMU.
  12. “Fees” – Additional Subscription Fees i.e., the Fees chargeable by the Content Partner to Subscribers for the use of any Courseware made available as part of the FutureSkills PRIME Program by the Content Partner/s.
  13. “FutureSkills PRIME marketplace”/” Marketplace”- FutureSkills PRIME platform (FSP).
  14. “GOI Incentive for Assessment Fee Reimbursement” – A benefit where an eligible learner can avail an assessment on FSP platform, the cost of which is reimbursed by CDAC PMU.
  15. “GOI Incentive for Competency Diagnostic” – A benefit where an eligible learner can avail a competency diagnostic, the cost of which is funded by MeitY GoI.
  16. “GOI Incentive for Course Fee Reimbursement” – A benefit where an eligible Subscriber can avail a reimbursement for the appropriate portion of the course fees which is reimbursed by CDAC PMU.
  17. “IT/ITeS” – Information Technology/Information Technology enabled Services.
  18. “Learner Ledger” /” Skills Ledger” – A record of all details w.r.t. the Subscriber / regarding their registration, purchases, govt. benefits [self-funded/paid or govt. funded] etc. and other information required for accurate processing of incentives as benefits.
  19. “MeitY” – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
  20. nasscom” – National Association of Software and Services Companies of India.
  21. “NOS” -- National Occupational Standards.
  22. “NSQF” -- National Skills Qualification Framework.
  23. “Paid assessment” - An assessment for which the FSP Subscriber makes a payment on FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) marketplace/platform.
  24. “Paid Competency Diagnostic” – A competency diagnostic for which Subscriber makes a payment on FutureSkills PRIME(FSP) marketplace.
  25. y. “Pathway” – Content for facilitation of awareness on emerging technologies that has been especially curated and validated by industry experts. Pathways have been structured based on certain learning outcomes. Typical duration of a Pathway is about 30 mins. At the end of the Pathway one can also check one’s understanding by attempting a quiz.
  26. “PFMS”: Public Financial Management System

    a. “PMU” – “Programme Management Unit” which for this scheme is CDAC-Noida (PMU-Admin) & CDAC Hyderabad (PMU-Tech) under MeitY.

    b. “Seller” – Content Partners who have made their offerings (courses) available on FutureSkills PRIME marketplace for purchase.

    c. “Service Providers/Partners” – Partners that make available their offerings on the platform, namely Content Partners, Competency Diagnostic Agencies/Partners.

    d. “Skills Passport” – Stores all the Subscriber badges earned on FutureSkills PRIME platform. Subscriber can also upload one’s certification/s onto the Skills Passport. This is a Subscriber’s one- stop to easily access all his/her/their achievements.

    e. “SSC nasscom” – IT-ITES Sector Skills Council nasscom; which is an integral part of nasscom and is the authorised awarding body for job standards, assessment, and certification under the aegis of NSDC MSDE.

    f. “Tax Invoice” – Invoice provided to a Buyer by a Seller in compliance with Central Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017, as applicable.

    g. “Unique ID”/” FSP Unique ID” – A code that uniquely identifies a Subscriber/learner on the FutureSkills PRIME(FSP)marketplace/ platform.

    h. “C-DAC” - The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing which is an autonomous scientific society, operating under the MeitY (Govt. of India).

    i. “NIELIT” - National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology.
4. Authorized Provisions of FSP Scheme
  1. To provide Govt. funded incentives for course free reimbursement, assessment fee reimbursement and competency diagnostics to successfully registered and eligible Subscribers /beneficiaries as per these general terms and conditions and other defined guidelines.
  2. To offer paid platform offerings [paid assessments and/or paid competency diagnostics] to learners who are not authorized Subscriber beneficiaries.
  3. Ensure setting up of 24 X 7 Customer Service support avenues for technical assistance in relation to the FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) marketplace/platform.
  4. Operate, maintain, and always ensure smooth functioning of the FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) marketplace platform as per agreed service level agreements.
  5. Provide an automated FAQ driven ‘chat-bot’ to guide the aspirants of the FSP scheme.
5. Role, Responsibility & Obligations of the FSP Subscriber /learner
  1. Subscriber /learner agrees to provide details as necessary to establish their unique identity (e.g., via Aadhaar verification or other acceptable ID), establish beneficiary status, if necessary, verify other information provided as and when necessary. Data provided by the Subscriber /learner can be shared across key stakeholders for seamless execution of the programme.
  2. Subscribers /learners should take informed decision at every stage and thereby Subscribers /learners are responsible for the veracity and accuracy of all information provided by them and choices made thereof.
  3. Under no circumstances will choices once made, and the services once rendered against the choices made be revokable unless explicitly called out.
  4. Subscriber /learner accepts that the latest terms & conditions as issued by the FSP Programme shall be binding on all learners who have signed up using any previous version of programme rules.
  5. Subscriber /learner acknowledges that all decisions taken w.r.t to the incentive allocation and eligibility determination shall rest with FSP and CDAC-PMU.
  6. Subscriber /learner acknowledges that the detail rectification process is a privilege and not a right. Decisions regarding which fields can be updated and at what stage updates can be made rests solely with FSP and its nominated agencies.
  7. All Subscribers /learners agree not to indulge in any corrupt practices including but not limited to any form of cheating, identity theft, misrepresentation of information, forging of documents etc. with respect to any aspect of the FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) marketplace/ platform.
6. Details Regarding Various FSP Benefits
  1. a. GOI Incentive – Assessment Fee Reimbursement

    I.I. Eligibility criteria
    1. Subscriber /learner is a citizen of India, and is 18 years or above at the time of application.
    2. Subscriber /learner is part of one of the beneficiary categories (as defined in section above)
    3. Only Deepskilling free, Deepskilling paid, Foundation paid and Bridge courses are eligible for GoI incentives.
    4. Content must be purchased within the FSP scheme duration.
    5. Subscriber /learner should have completed the FSP course content.
    6. Subscriber /learner has read and acknowledged this document of “general terms & conditions”.
    7. Subscriber /learner has filled in the registration form with correct details and provided supporting documents to be successfully registered.
    8. Subscriber /learner is required to complete the mock assessment before being able to access the formal assessment.
    9. Subscriber /learner is required to purchase the assessment and book a slot if applicable.
    10. Subscriber /beneficiary who enrolled for the course on FutureSkills PRIME (FSP) Portal and consumed the course content, will have to appear for the assessment to get certified.
    11. The Subscriber /beneficiary has to pay the assessment fee i.e., INR 600/- upfront to appear for the assessment.
    12. The assessment fee for the course selected by the Subscriber /beneficiary will be reimbursed to the Subscriber /beneficiary, subject to meeting the following eligibility criteria:

      1. Subscriber /beneficiary successfully clears the assessment and gets certified. 2. Those Subscribers /beneficiaries who are uniquely identified & upload their requisite self-certified documents. Subscriber /learner will have to complete the requirement of Aadhaar/other ID validation along with providing any additional details as requested by the PMU and are subsequently successfully verified.

    II. Timelines
    1. Post purchase of assessment, learners have 90-day validity period to complete the assessment.
    2. Multiple attempts are allowed to aim for and achieve the requisite certification w.r.t. an assessment, however, the incentive will be provided to an eligible Subscriber /learner only once per course.

    III. Responsibility
    1. The provision of these incentives reimbursements to Subscribers /learners will be executed by CDAC-PMU
    2. Assessment agency will be responsible for proctoring of the assessment and learner consents to such proctoring and what permissions it may entail thereof.
  2. b. GOI Incentive – Competency Diagnostic

    I. Eligibility criteria
    1. Subscriber/ learner is a citizen of India, and is 18 years or above at the time of application.
    2. Subscriber /learner is part of one of the beneficiary categories (as defined in section above)
    3. Subscriber /learner has read and acknowledged this document of “general terms & conditions”.
    4. Subscriber /learner has filled in the registration form with correct details and provided support documents to be successfully registered.
    5. Subscriber /learner is provided only 1 attempt to access the competency diagnostic. Attempt is defined as a learner starting the Competency Diagnostic.
    6. Post purchase of the Competency Diagnostic, Subscribers /learners must consume the Competency Diagnostic as per defined timelines (as applicable from time to time).

    II. Responsibility
    1. This benefit will be executed on the FSP platform under prescribed guidelines by MeitY and CDAC PMU.
  3. c. GOI Incentive – Course Fee Reimbursement

    I. Eligibility criteria
    1. Subscriber /learner is a citizen of India, and is 18 years or above at the time of application.
    2. Subscriber /learner is part of one of the beneficiary categories (As defined in section above).
    3. Only Deepskilling free, Deepskilling paid, Foundation paid and Bridge courses are eligible for GoI incentives and monetary incentives.
    4. Content must be purchased within the scheme duration.
    5. Subscriber /learner has read and acknowledged this document of “general terms & conditions”.
    6. Subscriber /learner has filled in the registration form with correct details and provided support documents to be successfully registered.
    7. Subscriber /learner will have to complete the requirement of Aadhaar/other ID validation along with providing any additional details as requested by the PMU.
    8. Subscriber /learner should have successfully passed the assessment for the identified and approved course and been certified.

    II. Timelines
    1. Subscriber /learners are expected to apply for GOI Incentive post successful certification, at the earliest
    2. At one point in time, a Subscriber/beneficiary may apply for incentive and assessment cost reimbursement for a single successfully completed and certified course under one course category only. In case candidate/beneficiary completes and is successfully certified for another course in the same course category, he/she/they will be allowed to apply for incentive only after closing of previous DBT application in the same course category.
    3. If the incentive application amount (upto 50% of the course value or category limit) is greater than the amount of benefit available (calculated as = INR 12000 less incentives claimed less incentives applied for). The Subscriber /learner would only be able to apply for the unclaimed incentive amount till the incentive threshold.

    III. Responsibility
    1. i. GOI incentives for courses will be executed by CDAC-PMU.
7. Duties and taxes
  1. Tax invoices will be provided in accordance with applicable laws by the related Partner/Seller who is providing the services or offerings on Marketplace.
8. Return/Refund Policy
  1. FutureSkills PRIME currently does not support any cancellation and/or refund policy.
  2. Any updates to the current stand shall be updated on the FutureSkills PRIME marketplace/ FSP platform and all stakeholders will be notified of the same.
9. Dispute Resolution
  1. Binding Arbitration: In the event of any disputes arising from or related to these general terms and conditions, the privacy policy, use of the Website, App, Service or Marketplace (collectively “Disputes”), the same shall be resolved by way of Arbitration in a manner provided in Section 9(b) below and the decision of the Arbitral Tribunal in this regard shall be final and binding.
  2. Any Dispute shall be referred to the arbitration, of a sole arbitrator appointed by FutureSkills PRIME. The arbitration shall be subject to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as may be amended from time to time. The seat and venue of arbitration shall be Delhi, India. Each party to the Dispute shall bear its own arbitration costs. The proceedings shall be undertaken in English. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on those concerned.
10. Laws Governing the Engagement/Relationship of Learner with FSP
  1. The general terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force.
  2. Irrespective of the place of performance or the place of payment under the contract, the contract shall be deemed to have been made at the registered address of the Subscriber/learner
  3. Jurisdiction of Courts: The courts of New Delhi shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising.
11. Limitation of Liability
  1. Notwithstanding anything contained in these general terms and conditions, no individual or party will be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with these general terms and conditions or any breach hereof (including for loss of data or profits, or cost of cover), whether or not such individual/party has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and whether under a theory of contract, tort or otherwise; except for liabilities arising out of any violation, misappropriation or infringement of a party’s intellectual property rights on account of any gross negligence, willful misconduct by a party, or from a breach by either party of its obligation. In no event will either party’s aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these general terms and conditions exceed the fee as mentioned in the Tax Invoice.
12. Closure of Transaction
  1. After satisfactory completion of all the obligations by the FSP service provider under the services selected by the Subscriber/learner [namely, competency diagnostic report generation, content completion data report generation, assessment result generation], the transaction shall be treated as closed/li>
13. Miscellaneous Provisions
  1. a. In case of any queries regarding the incentives or if the eligible Subscriber/beneficiary has not received incentives, they would need to contact the email:
14. Use of Aadhaar number
  1. To avail the Govt. Incentives, the learner would be required to apply for and adhere to the process prescribed by PMU as applicable from time to time, which may involve Aadhaar based and/or other modes of verification.
15. Learner Information Rectification Process
  1. In case of any discrepancy found during GOI Incentive disbursement process, CDAC PMU reserves the right to ask the eligible learner for further information. CDAC PMU also reserves the right to limit which fields can be rectified and which cannot be rectified.
  2. Subscriber /learner is requested to contact CDAC PMU for any further assistance
  3. Subscriber’s /learner’s updated fields may be once again reflected on FSP marketplace depending on the nature of the field
  4. Any additional rectification related aspects from Section 2 of this document apply.
16. Declaration by the Subscriber /Learner/Beneficiary [Accepting this document on General Terms and Conditions implies that the following aspects are agreed upon
  1. Subscriber /learner acknowledges and accepts the General Terms and Conditions and promises/confirms to abide by them.
  2. Subscriber /learner declares that all information provided is genuine and accurately applies to the learner
  3. Subscriber /learner declares that information provided matches either with his/her/their Aadhaar and/or any other Govt. approved ID that they will use for the DBT process.
  4. Subscriber /learner accepts that any information provided can be further validated and agrees to furnish additional information if requested.

If at any stage, during the incentive and assessment cost reimbursement process, it is found that, Subscriber/beneficiary has concealed or misrepresented any desired/required information, appropriate action will be initiated against him/her/them as per the directions of MeitY, Government of India.